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9 января
Санкт-Петербург. 9 января 2009г. состоялось Торжественное открытие
IV Рождественского международного
музыкального фестиваля
"Вифлеемская звезда"
И.-С. БАХ «Рождественская оратория»
камерный хор "LEGE ARTIS"

23 - 25 ноября
Польша, Варшава, Лодзь, Белосток.
Юбилейные концерты по случаю 75-летия маэстро Кшиштофа Пендерецкого. Участие в концертах по приглашению маэстро

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Abalyan's outstanding musical leadership and his passion to make music lege artis. have helped the ensemble to gain critical and public acclaim. Today, the choir is one of Russia's musical treasures.

LEGE ARTIS Chamber Choir

Lege Artis Chamber Choir, whose Latin name means "by the law of Art", was founded in Saint Petersburg (Leningrad), Russia, in 1987, by Maestro Boris Abalyan, a prominent conductor and teacher.

"Pure intonation, stylistic precision, fine dynamics and phrasing, virtuosic performances of most difficult and demanding scores" - says of Lege Artis' performances prominent Russian composer St. Petersburg State Conservatory professor Sergei Slonimsky.

LEGE ARTIS is laureate of five international competitions (Belgium (Neerpelt, 1990), Switzerland (Montreux, 1991), France (Tours, 1991), Germany (Darmstadt, 1995) and Spain (Torrevieja, 1997)). LEGE ARTIS has toured regularly in America, Belorussia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK and continues to extend its concert tours each year to more destinations.

LEGE ARTIS performs regularly at St. Petersburg music festivals including Easter Festival. White Nights Festival. St. Petersburg Palaces among others. In November 1994 the choir was honored to perform for Her Majesty Queen of England. On October 5, 2001, in collaboration with Mariinski Ballet company, LEGE ARTIS performed at the opening of the Guggenheim Hermitage Museum in Las Vegas, USA. In May 2003, LEGE ARTIS was chosen to participate in the special performance dedicated to the 300th anniversary of Saint Petersburg and presented at the summit of world leaders.

Tours 2002 - 2005:
16-19.08.2002. Ярославль. Фестиваль «Преображение».
12-19.09.2002. Sardinia. Festival “Voci d’Europa”
23-31.03.2003. Switzerland (Locarno, Lugano, Zuerich, Winterthur etc)
07-12.05.03. Белоруссия (Минск, Полоцк, Лида, Гродно, Брест)
22.07-15.08.2003. Germany, France, Spain, Switzerland <
23.-30.10.2003. Great Britain(London, Oxford, Brighton, Manchester, Edinburgh)
14.07-16.08.2004. Belgium, France,Germany 15-25.03.2005. Sicilia (Catania, Trapani, Ragusa, Messina, Siracusa, Caltanisetta)
